Cuddlesalot Dachshund Breeders


Past Litters | New Puppies | (NEW)Frequently Asked Questions | PRE PLANNED MATINGS | HOW TO CHOOSE A GOOD BREEDER | More Pictures of our babies. (Specialty colors) | Even More Pics of our Babies | Puppies We Have Sold | QUESTIONNAIRES | Pictures of our newborns | MY COMMITMENT TO MY BABIES AND MY CUSTOMERS | THINGS YOU WILL NEED FOR YOUR NEW BABY (PUPPY) | FACT OR FICTION? | INFORMATION THAT YOU 'NEED' TO KNOW. (AND SOME YOU MIGHT JUST LIKE TO KNOW) | COLORS (Pictures and more indepth descriptions) | A bit about us | Great Links & Books | A BIG THANK YOU TO MY BABIES NEW MOMMIES & DADDIES..

These forms and questionaires are here to help me to help you in anyway I am able to. So please feel free to ask any questions about any of our Sweethearts.

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This Questionnaire is to help you establish whether you feel you know enough about Daschie's to want one in your life. And in filling it out this form I may be able to of assistance to you.
Please let me know if there is anything I am able to help you with.

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