We are located in Belle River, Ontario. Just 20 minutes from the Ambassador bridge that joins Michigan and Ontario.
Please call or e-mail for directions.
My husband, Bill and I have owned many different breeds of dogs in our lifetime. Everything from ShiTzu's and Poms to German
Shepherds and Collies. But never before have we raised such a wonderful little dog as the Miniature Dachshund. They are truly
an amazing breed. Although they were initially bred to hunt (many moons ago), they have more than proven themselves to be
incredibly devoted and loyal companions. And in more recent years have proven themselves to be great show dogs.
There are many, many myths about the Dachshunds (a.k.a. weenies, doxies, jumbo juicy, etc.). One of them is that they
naturally have bad backs. This is NOT true. Like any living being, without proper exercise and diet they will eventually have
bad backs. Because their little spines are so long, if they become overweight their spines bend. This is where their back
problems stem from.
It is also said that the long hair Doxie's shed more than their counter parts - the infamous smooth coats. This again,
is not true. I have found that with proper grooming, the long hairs shed less than the smooth.
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Everyone we know asks us the same question; why on earth would you want to breed Doxie's? Or any dog for that matter?
Well, truth is, we thoroughly enjoy our Furry Little Kids. Our devotion to these little sweeties is definately to improve
the breed. We are not in this to mass produce puppies, nor do we ever wish to be a puppy mill. If breeding is done properly,
you do not make alot of money.
You will always want the best for them, as we do. We buy the best food for them, the best toys, give them All the Love
in the world, and the best Veterinary care.