I would like to start by saying that the Miniature Dachshund is a wonderful breed of dog.
If you want a dog who:
- Comes in a variety of colors:
- Black & tan
- Chocolate & tan
- Red
- Wild boar (a.k.a. burgundy) this is the dark red
- Cream
- Fawn
- Isabella & Tan
- Blue & Tan
- White & Tan
- Brindle
- Sable (red undercoat with a darker, even black
- Wheaten
- Black & Tan Dapple
- Silver Dapple
- Double Dapple (a silver dapple with white in its'
- Blue Dapple (a.k.a. grey)
- Isabella Dapple
- Cream Dapple
- Red Dapple
- Chocolate Dapple
- Red & White Piebald
- Black & White Piebald
- Blue & White Piebald
Each and every one of these colors is just as beautiful as the next. Some, definately stand out more than others(i.e.of
the Dapples or Piebalds. The traditional Reds, Black & Tan, etc. don't tend to stick in people's minds as much as their
more colorful friends. That's because most people think that reds, browns, and black and tans are the only colors they come
in. Some people even refer to Red as Brown. Now for someone who knows very little if anything about this breed of dog, it
is understandable. Because in dfferent light they do tend to look more brownish. But to a Dachshund Breeder they will always
be red.
As I was saying if you want a dog who comes in a variety of Colors (refer to colors above), Sizes - Miniature & Standard(as
Teenie Weenies are not a recognized size by the Canadian Kennel Club. They are basically a very small miniature. That may
or may not be a good thing, depending upon their genetic makeup.)Or different coats - being - Smooth, Long, Wire coats.
So, do you want a dog that is curious, lively, charming, and possesses a great sense of humour?
Or a weenie that becomes so attached to his owner that he REALLY does believe your bed is his?
Is sociable with other pets especially his "OWN KIND"?
Who has a lifesapn of approximately 15 years+? And that is an average.
A dog, that no matter what the occassion (even a wedding) believes that he should be the life of the party?
If you believe these are qualities that you could live with, then guess what? We might actually have a WINNING combination.
So far we have established that Dachshunds come in a multitude of colors, two sizes, three different coats, and a personality
to die for. O.K. so by now you're probably saying to yourself, what more is there to know? LOTS & LOTS & LOTS &
Believe you me, just when you think you know everything there is to know - SURPRISE!!!! - they do something that you least
expect. This is when you must re-evaluate what you think you knew and go back and try to learn LOTS more. Are you confused
yet???? Hmmm... Fortunate for you, because I am.
Daschies (fondly referred to by many) have a long body and funny looking short legs. Yet they walk with such dignity and
they hold their heads high (well as high as they can for such furry little things.)Why, You might ask, do they look like this?
Well, they were bred like this initially to be used as a hunting dog. Their long sleek bodies could get in and out of fox,
rabbit, gopher holes, etc. They could then scare out the prey for the hunter to kill.
They have developed into a well adjusted, Loving and exceptionally devoted little furry people. They really are like having
a little child around. They learn very quickly. But be forwarned, they do have a very dominant personality (in a cute way,
of course). They think the same as any two year old. Kinda like "MINE, MINE, MINE!!!" "I can do what I want,
when I want, where I want, and you can't do anything about it....Nyah Nyah Nayh Boo Boo....I think we are beginning to understand
now.... "If I touch it, lick it, chew it, smell it, or see it -IT'S MINE!!!!" My humans always do what I want them
to... That's why my rawhide is twice the size of me, and I sleep in that beautiful red satin bed over by the fireplace.....
Yep, NOW you get it... Daschie's RULE!!!!!
But honestly, putting the PUN aside. Whatever you give them they give you back TEN-FOLD. They are true PEOPLE PLEASERS..
They live to please you, the one they Love..