Here are some of the colors and patterns as promised:

This is Taffy. She is a chocolate dapple. She possesses one blue eye and one hazel eye. taffy is
quite beautiful. One or both of the parents must possess the chocolate gene in order to produce any type of chocolate. Whether
they are dappled or solid.

This is Tilley. She is a red piebald. In most cases a piebald must be bred with another piebald.
But, if one of the parents carries the piebald gene it is possible to mix a dapple and a solid and they will produce a piebald.
Tilley has such a beautiful personality.

This beautiful girl is Thumper. She is a solid chocolate. Her parents are the same as Taffy's, which
proves that one or both carries the chocolate gene. You can always tell a "TRUE" chocolate by their pinkish color noses. They
almost never have black noses.

This little sweetheart is Oreo. She is a black brindle. What this means is that she is black with
tiger striping. The striping is more evident in the face. But in the sunlight, can be seen throughout her whole body.

This little beauty is Lucy. She is a red sable. What this means, is that she has a red coat with
a black over coat. The black does not dominate, but it looks like it does. If you back brush the hair you will see the red
underneath. One of the parents is usually a sable. But like the piebald, they can be either two solids, or a solid and a dapple.

This is our main man. Elvis, the KING!!! His color is wild boar. It is a very dark red. Boardering
on brown. This color, along with the black and tan, are two of the more traditional colors. Usually produced by two solid
colors. But, again can be produced by a dapple and a solid.